Monday, May 28, 2012

The Ethics of my Blog

Let's just get all the boring stuff out of the way, shall we?

Purpose.  Hmm.  Well, to enjoy writing, to give you something to laugh at and think about.  Hopefully, you'll decide to contribute with interesting, insightful and funny comments, and this site will find it's way onto your bookmark tab because you enjoyed it so much.  Or maybe you'll read something that will inspire you to do better in your life as a parent, as an employee, as a son or daughter, as a person in general.  That'd be good too.

This is not your average blog.  I will not ever review products for companies and blog about it.  Any reviews you see (if there ever are any) are being done without compensation of any kind.  Why?  Because when someone sends you their product to review on your blog, or pays you to do so, you are obliged to give them a glowing recommendation, whether or not you actually liked it.  So I won't be doing that.  I like to keep my writing honest and straightforward.  That's kind of the whole point of this blog.

So while reading Thoughtful Mother, you can rest assured that you will not be bombarded by product placement on my part.  Pretty sweet, right?

What else do you get?  Well, I invite comments.  I don't moderate them.  I'll delete spam and obvious troll comments that get too much attention.  So don't come here to advertise your crap or get your jollies stirring the pot or to feed the trolls.  There are places like CafeMom for that.

So welcome!  Enjoy, and feel free to contact me with questions or comments.
